2013年12月18日 星期三

Blue October - Weight of the World(歌詞翻譯)

Blue October - Weight of the World

A blackout in the room again房間再次停電
a busted lip and broken skin.乾裂嘴唇和破皮
I wake up in the bathroom 我在廁所裡醒來
and dare not bother asking 不敢費心去問
why the mirror's craked and all I see 為甚麼鏡子破了
are shards of glass inside of me. 還有玻璃碎片怎麼都在我身體裡

There's voices there to dare me, 有聲音在喊我
my father's here to scare me. 我爸警告著我
and My mother she sits beyond the door 而我媽她坐在門外
she's curled up crying on the floor,蜷縮在地板上哭泣
look at what her son's done. 看著她兒子做了甚麼

When the weight of all the world's gone wrong. 當整個世界的重量出了錯
wrong again. 又錯了一次
Gone fucking wrong again. 他媽的又錯了

Well, liars they leave a guilty trail. 好吧 騙子會留下犯罪線索
let me tell you I've been lying for years. 讓我告訴你 這些年我一直在說謊
That must be why I'm standing in this space. 那一定就是我站在這空間的原因
constantly over and over  不斷的 一遍又一遍
I'm disregarding that I've created these monsters 無視那些我創造出的怪物
that are on both of my sides 我兩旁都是牠們
So I wipe the blood from both of their eyes 所以 我拭去爸媽雙眼所留下的血
From all four of their eyes. 還有眼裡的淚

And while I wait for wounds to heal 當我等待著傷口癒合時
I see you by the window sil, 我看到了窗台邊的你
your heart's torn out a plastic spoon 當誠實點亮房間時
when honesty lit up that room 你的心臟被一根塑膠湯匙挖出
so I stole the pillowcase to clean 所以我偷了個枕頭套來清理
this mess I've made of someones dream. 這場我由某人的夢所弄出的混亂
Now you've seen what I've done 現在 你知道我做了甚麼

when the weight of all the world's gone wrong again 當整個世界的重量又出了錯
gone fucking wrong again. 他媽的又錯了

This room is old and wise 這房間古老又深遠
and I fall onto the bed and wonder, 我摔在床上,納悶著
"How did I get here?" "我怎麼會在這?"
I was a little boy who would argue with a tree 我是那個會跟樹木爭執的小男孩
go ahead thump his head 就繼續吧 用力捶他的頭
he'll turn back to normal. 這樣他就會恢復正常

Now why is that what I see? 我現在看到的是甚麼?
Don't bother trusting me 別費心信任我了
don't bother waiting 別費心等待
don't bother changing things that won't give into changing 也別費心改變那些不會改變的東西
just let me go away. 就讓我走開
I'm packed down whenever. 我打包好了
Let's go. 讓我走吧
Let's really really go. 讓我真的、真的離開

     I was a little boy who would argue with a tree
     go ahead thump his head, he'll turn back to normal

